Meditation Classes in Exeter

Meditation Circle

Tuesday morning  at 10.30 pm, on Gandy Street, Exeter

Come and join us for regular meditation lead by Robin, with 30 years of experience and exploration of the wonders of meditation.

The benefits of practising meditation have been recognised for thousands of years, and are now being substantiated be scientific research.  Mind meets science meets spirit.

In simple terms, this can open upon a transformation of everyday experience, a profound peace of mind, and a deeper understanding of who we are.

Although there are close associations with religious traditions, meditation leaves beliefs and ideals at the door, and opens the way to direct experience.  True meditation is to approach the very core of your being.

Meditation is ultimately practical, a doing; without a thinker, without a doer; it is a movement in and of the unknown.

There is a common misconception that meditation takes a long time, years and years of sitting, with your legs crossed in knots, for a first glimpse of enlightenment.  Come and find out the truth.

I work individually or with a small group only, and only with those who are sincerePlease email first if you can and let me know what you want out of meditation.

Held weekly, on a Tuesday, at 10.30.  Suggested contribution £5 

For more information call Robin on 07961 410023